Monday, December 6, 2010

Done for now

I know there are people I've forgotten, which I apologize for and you are free to whop me on the head and tell me how much of a dope I am so I can add you to here :)
It's funny cause I created this blog so long ago, always meant to do this but never did. But still it holds true what I said in my first post, and I'm so so thankful that I've been able to get to know so many amazing chicas that I wanted to do something nice as a way to express it. So this can be my holiday gift to you guys thanking you for being a friend ^__^ There were so many times I was having a bad/lame day but I was able to just let go for a bit going online and just asking How's Life, and I could talk to you guys about what was happening in yours and kill time and escape in awesome convos.
So, thank you :)

Vi (iiM-a-RiOt)

Vi is one of those people who I'm not as great of friends with as I am with other people, but I really really admire and always have. She tells it as she sees it always, never looks for drama but isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in, and is a good person underneath everything, all while going by the beat of her own drum and thinking for herself, instead of just harping in with what everyone else is freaking out about. That's the makings of pretty damn awesome person if you ask me.

Tara (missy566)

I love this chica so much, seriously. She's like Gandhi, dude, not even kidding :D In my mind, she's one of (if not THE) smartest/wisest people on this site that I've met, and she's so so so sweet it's insane. Some of the best conversations I've ever had on stardoll have been with this girly, because she can go from talking to boys to the meaning of life and being a better person like snap!, but in such deep and smart ways. Gah, you just need to meet her and love her, it'll change you I swear ^__^

Stefhy (HeartParamore09)

I remember some of Stefhy's first days in fashionista when I first met her and I knew that she was someone I was gonna love ^__^ She just instantly comes across as an awesome person when you meet her, and that impression doesn't change no matter what, which to be so consistent as a friend and a good person is pretty rare. She's just lovely, period, whether she's happy and bubbly (which is most always ;) or going through a mood (which is almost never) ^__^

BellaSwanEd17 (Siofra)

Siofra's just a fun person, period. She's here for her friends and thats all, never diva or politics or anything. She finds who she likes, becomes friends, and that's that, which is awesome ^__^ She has the best stories and the topics we've had talking about hair and boys and so many random things has been some of my favorite moments for it :D

Silvia (lili252)

Silvia Bilvia Vacuum Psychiccccc. Silvia's one of those girlies who you will instantly like, no matter if she's spamming the boards or talking about her latest obsession or old obsessions or the most random things, the everything she talks about draws you in fascinated because she's just an amazingly cool pretty lady :D She's so not self-obsessed, she'll talk to everyone about whats going on with them, and focus on being her crazy self having a good time and making one for everyone else too :D And then there's the side of her that's really pensive and thoughtful and dealing with issues in such an amazing way, that the combination makes her just a fantastic person through and through.

Shayla (shaybay20)

I miss this chica like crazy, she was such a fun free spirit and we'd have the best conversations about sports and circuses and dreams and pretty much every random thing under the sun ;D She was always down to talk about whatever, was so open and friendly no matter who you were, and such a great friend!