Monday, December 6, 2010

Done for now

I know there are people I've forgotten, which I apologize for and you are free to whop me on the head and tell me how much of a dope I am so I can add you to here :)
It's funny cause I created this blog so long ago, always meant to do this but never did. But still it holds true what I said in my first post, and I'm so so thankful that I've been able to get to know so many amazing chicas that I wanted to do something nice as a way to express it. So this can be my holiday gift to you guys thanking you for being a friend ^__^ There were so many times I was having a bad/lame day but I was able to just let go for a bit going online and just asking How's Life, and I could talk to you guys about what was happening in yours and kill time and escape in awesome convos.
So, thank you :)

Vi (iiM-a-RiOt)

Vi is one of those people who I'm not as great of friends with as I am with other people, but I really really admire and always have. She tells it as she sees it always, never looks for drama but isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in, and is a good person underneath everything, all while going by the beat of her own drum and thinking for herself, instead of just harping in with what everyone else is freaking out about. That's the makings of pretty damn awesome person if you ask me.

Tara (missy566)

I love this chica so much, seriously. She's like Gandhi, dude, not even kidding :D In my mind, she's one of (if not THE) smartest/wisest people on this site that I've met, and she's so so so sweet it's insane. Some of the best conversations I've ever had on stardoll have been with this girly, because she can go from talking to boys to the meaning of life and being a better person like snap!, but in such deep and smart ways. Gah, you just need to meet her and love her, it'll change you I swear ^__^

Stefhy (HeartParamore09)

I remember some of Stefhy's first days in fashionista when I first met her and I knew that she was someone I was gonna love ^__^ She just instantly comes across as an awesome person when you meet her, and that impression doesn't change no matter what, which to be so consistent as a friend and a good person is pretty rare. She's just lovely, period, whether she's happy and bubbly (which is most always ;) or going through a mood (which is almost never) ^__^

BellaSwanEd17 (Siofra)

Siofra's just a fun person, period. She's here for her friends and thats all, never diva or politics or anything. She finds who she likes, becomes friends, and that's that, which is awesome ^__^ She has the best stories and the topics we've had talking about hair and boys and so many random things has been some of my favorite moments for it :D

Silvia (lili252)

Silvia Bilvia Vacuum Psychiccccc. Silvia's one of those girlies who you will instantly like, no matter if she's spamming the boards or talking about her latest obsession or old obsessions or the most random things, the everything she talks about draws you in fascinated because she's just an amazingly cool pretty lady :D She's so not self-obsessed, she'll talk to everyone about whats going on with them, and focus on being her crazy self having a good time and making one for everyone else too :D And then there's the side of her that's really pensive and thoughtful and dealing with issues in such an amazing way, that the combination makes her just a fantastic person through and through.

Shayla (shaybay20)

I miss this chica like crazy, she was such a fun free spirit and we'd have the best conversations about sports and circuses and dreams and pretty much every random thing under the sun ;D She was always down to talk about whatever, was so open and friendly no matter who you were, and such a great friend!

Shay (naisey)

Shay is one of the strongest people I've ever met, seriously. The things she's gone through for people she loves and the sacrifices and braveness she's gone through, its so so amazing. She's one of those people who when you hear what she's gone through you HAVE to have respect for her and just admire/be in awe of for. She's just such an amazing person, and on top of that she's never put it out there for attention or sympathy like other people might, she just focuses on being hyper and creating such a dynamic fun time that gets everyone active and happy. If you don't already know it, Shay is absolutely one of a kind ^__^

Shauna (shaz.d)

Shauna's a fun person frealz. She has such amazing taste in music and when she's on you know the boards will be fun because she always adds such an awesome mix to things. She'll always post whats on her mind, and she's so open and friendly to everyone no matter who you are, instead of just sticking with her circles. She can jump to conclusions sometimes (: But she's not afraid to hear other people's sides of things and try to work out to a middle ground which aLOT of people aren't able to do, which is an amazing amazing quality.

Shani (Glitter53)

Shani is so laidback in the boards, she just floats around posting her peace- which I mean in a good way :3 because she never comes across as a diva or pretentious or mean even when she's speaking her mind on any issue or problem, she posts whats on her mind and works it out with you without any intention of being mean or nasty. She's so fun to talk to too, once you're friends with her, because she has the best stories and always has the latest updates on things that when she tells you about you get totally sucked in :D

Sandy (sandyrhyu)

Sandy is a sweetheart. She's so nice and caring to everyone, and the only thing she cares about is finding good true friends and being good and true to them back. She's kind of quiet but still when she posts something you can't help but notice how awesome and sweet she is, which makes her both unforgettable and totally charming. ^__^

Sammy (sdsistas)

Sammy and I make such a great team ^__^ We became fast friends and she's another girl who I feel like we have eachother's backs no matter what because we've gotten to be so tight and that's just a rare quality to find in people. She's such a fun and interesting person, even her love for greek myths gets me going just by how much she loves them. And she's such a great graphic artist, I'm jealous of her for it ;D Sammy will speak up for what she thinks is right no matter who its to or what might happen for it. She def gets so much respect for it from me :)

Sammi (emoSAMMI_5)

Sammi is like forgotten D: But not by me dood. She's just an epic person, I remember way back when she'd jump around the boards making the most hilarious jokes that I'd be pmsl to and being so hyper and goofy, and then the moment someone would speak out against someone she'd say something so quick to shut them up and jump right back into being goofy and happy. I don't know many people who can do that, which is why I love her so damn much :D

Rebecca (sunnysugar/meadowsweet)

Rebecca is an odd person in a beautiful way. She's not like anyone I've ever met but she's unapologetic for it, instead embraces it no matter what anyone else may think which makes her stronger than alot of people I know who just go with the easier route of conforming to what everyone else is doing. She's smarter than even she realizes I think, and she's able to really think and focus on things other people wouldn't even have noticed. We definitely have had a rocky time with eachother not always getting along, but no matter what she is a person you know to respect not for politics or how long she's been here but for who she is as a person who's good, and who isn't afraid to be herself.

Rachel (-Zozzy-)

Rachel is my crackerpants who I adore so much no matter what. We've been through alot together and always looked out for eachother which I'm grateful to have with her. She's such an open book with what she's thinking no matter what, and she's fearless with her opinions even with friends, which takes a courage not many people have ^__^ She's such a loyal and caring friend and I'm so happy that she's one of my best

Quentin (rebeccah1996)

Quentin for some things is like a really old soul, she just goes straight to the matter and says the right thing with such clarity, always so in tune with being honest and upfront even when other people can't really make sense of what's happening. She's just an awesome and honest person who has such strengthes that I think she doesn't even realize which I admire her for (: PLUS she's a ninja dood!

Pam (spot62)

Pam is amazing! She's fearless and confident, unapologetic and super fun, and has this way of amplifying things. She knows who she is and doesn't mind sharing it to anyone no matter what, and she's got this way of bringing people together or feeling better about things just by being her. When she's happy, she's got this way of making people around her feel amazing, and when she's sad or mad she's got a way of amplifying it to make everyone notice and think on it. And she'll always be honest with you and let you know what she's thinking no matter which way. I def admire her for that!

Olivia (fizzpixel)

I love this chica so much :) You can trust this girl with anything, she's such a great friend. She can talk about anything for ever and no matter what, she's so kind and happy and she'll always try to find out the truth of the matter from both sides instead of just jumping to the conclusion. She's helped me through some hard spots that I'm so grateful for and my loyalty to this pretty lady is insane for it. I def admire and love her so much for all of what makes her the amazing person that she is ^__^

Mia (mysticmia)

Mia is a sweetheart, and also infectiously fun when she gets in the mood (which being round Ciara will def kickstart, I always think of them as a pair since they're so great together). She's UNIQUE, dontcha know ;D and is always good to everyone no matter what. She just comes across as an awesome person, and it just emanates from her at all times, that she's on just for what's important to her and nothing else, even in proju other people would mail me talking about how cool she was and I'd just be like 'yep, that's mia ^__^'

Marykate (BiggestBelieber)

Marykate is my long distance neighbor little sister from another mister! She's such a cutie, she's happy and bubbly but also really thoughtful and caring and is always friendly with everyone no matter what. She's so openhearted with things, always putting herself and her thoughts out there and doing so with always the sweetest intentions. Marykate's the kind of chica who will go out of her way to put a smile on your face just because she's that kind of friend :D

Marisa (guitargirl727)

Is an amazing friend, I'm so so happy to call her a great one of mine. She turned me on to The Office, which is epic ;D Pretty much all of her tastes and everything about her is epic, because she's always there to lend an ear and talk about both silly fun things and serious ones too. She doesn't realize how awesome she is, so she's too humble for her own good >;D Marisa's one of those people who will have everyone loving her and still be all 'nah, what are you talking about? it's just me, marisa silly', and be completely oblivious to it all. She sometimes gets insecure from that for no reason at all which makes me mad, only because I know better that she is loveable and loved to the extreme :D

Martha (kills96)

Martha goes from being quiet to a total chatterbox, but once you get her going she's got the best stories and it's always so fun talking with her. It's def a case of 'more than meets the eye' with her because she's so loyal and sweet and fun to talk to but she doesn't share it with everyone, just her friends. I'm so happy and proud to be one of those ^__^ We haven't talked much lately with hectic lives and all but I still adore her so so much

Lucie (Smiley0202)

Lucie is a sweetheart, she always has the best intentions and is truly genuine with everything she says, even if she's put in some tough spots. She never backs down though, and she has been put through some tough times by other people, and she still holds herself with grace and kindness and makes it through it stronger! Plus, her medolls are always gorgeous ;D That combo, you've got an amazing pretty lady!

LPC (lilpenguinchick)

LPC is such a cutie! I love our conversations, she's so goofy and fun and her moods are always infectious and usually so bubbly and happy. Even if we don't have the same music tastes I still cheer her on because she's so loyal in everything she does and deserves the best ^__^ She's such an awesome person and such a great friend!

Lisa (MissScarlett913)

Lisa is such a strong and wise person, and she's always busy writing up the most inspirational topics ^__^ She's such a kind person, and always knows the right things to say to cheer people up. She has definite leaderlike qualities with the way she can rally people or get people thinking, which is rare to meet online (:

Lily (mr.sockeater)

Lily is 100% hilarious, she can make you laugh so hard you'll fall out of your chair ^___^ She'll run around hyper, completely infectious with her nonsense and spaz attacks ;D No matter how much of a spazz she acts though, this girlie is so smart it makes me jealous :) She will absolutely get to an ivy school, because of how intelligent she is. She's chill with everyone but also stands up for herself and her friends no matter what, and she'll be the first one to speak up about something she sees as wrong.

Lena (imaturelena)

Lena is so down to earth and friendly, she's just so sweet and caring and she feels things really stronglly. She's always there for other people and putting them first, she's never full of herself even when she should be ;D She's just a good person through and though, and she's always more humble than she deserves to be, because she doesn't even know how amazing she is :) That makes someone infinitely more likeable, so she just draws people to her without even realizing it. When I first met her I was very intimidated by her, just because she comes across the way that she is in actuality, an absolutely stunning person you can't help but be in awe of!

Kayla (this_is_me7)

Kayla was a force of nature in the best way ever. She was such an honest person, whatever she was feeling that moment you would know it because she was never afraid to say what she was thinking when she was thinking it. She could be moody, angry, happy, hyper, anything, you'd ride the waves with her :D She just didn't care, its just part of who she is and that's what makes her so amazing ^_^ Except for all the guy trouble she got in ;D But she always had the greatest stories and she's share em' all unabashedly to her friends, and she would always have your back when you needed it the most. She's such an amazing chica.

KT (itgirlxoxo)

I miss KT so much, even though she's left Fashionista I still wanted to include her because she deserves it. KT was a true best friend, she was fun and so smart- She has this super happy positive side and then a badass eff-you if you mess with me or the people I love side. I loved that! She always always stood up for people no matter what, and she could really bite into it! She was never unfair and always made sure that she believed in what she was fighting for and always made the right call, even in walking away or bringing the peace. She's absolutely fearless and beautiful and I miss her so much :)

Katie (Jhalelove)

From cardboard boxes to mosquitoes to snotrockets to mafia, her creativity and her way of making eveything so hyperly awesome and random makes everyone fall in love with her. Seriously, how can you not love this chica? She's so not judgemental or closedminded- no matter what you know that she'll be cool and see the good side to everyone, and bring out the best conversations with other people. As high as she can make life, when she's in a mood, she can magnify that just as much! That's what she is, actually, a magnifying glass ;D Whatever she's looking at and how she's looking at it she blows it up to intensity and makes you see things in an awesome way ^___^

Jordan (stylishgirl88)

Jordan is just this ray of sunshine, she always brightens your day because she's so happy and positive always. She's 100% drama free, she'll always focus on making other people feel good about themselves and having a good time, which is incredible! She always puts a smile on my face to see her cause of that.

Iona (laptop_-_potpal)

I haven't talked to this chica in forever and a day but she still sticks out in my mind enough to add her on this because she is an amazing girlie. She was one of my first and favoritest friends here, way back in kittywood (i think that was the name ;D) and my dumbness took forever to realize her name was backwards instead of her being a pal to pots ;) From creating signs for eachother and spending hour conversations about smileys and nothing important at all but still so fun, she's a great friend to know.

Hannah (treeoflife)

Hannah is such a great person. She's able to really connect with people in such a strong way! If someone is feeling a certain way, Hannah instantly picks up on it and feels the way they're feeling. She's been through alot and had to really stand up for herself and I can't get over how strong of a person she is to be able to do that every day. On top of that, she's so incredibly fun! Once she gets into a mood, she can joke and jump around that always makes me laugh, and then she can turn around and have such awesome conversations about life and people. AND her music taste is obscene, it's so awesome! I'm so happy to have her as such a close friend, she's simply amazing!

Gwin (gwinelda)

Gwin is def one of the quieter girls who likes to post in topics more with people she knows but her personality is priceless. She's on of the sweetest chicas you'll ever meet and she's so down to earth and ray of sunshine that you can't help but smile when you see her. She never lets anything get to her, even in fights she'll know what to say to make people stop and say, eh, this is dumb, let's have cupcakes (: Gwin just puts people in that sort of mindset, that you just want to smile and frolic and have fun.

Gianna (lilmizzg96)

Gianna is amazing! She isn't afraid to speak her mind, and is so true to her feelings. She has the best stories, you can listen to her talk about anything and she'll always make it interesting and awesome, I don't know how she does it! Her style is pure awesome and her personality is even better. I have so many great memories in fashionista thanks to this pretty lady. Even when Fashionista was dead, if she was around I had such a blast sharing stories and talking about guys and life and everything! She's so friendly with everyone and is willing to do anything for her friends and back them up even in tight situations, I really admire her for that :)

Graceboo (HappyGoth121)

We're the weirdo hair sisterzzz :DD She's the inventor of cotton candy and the savior of goats, she's such a happy-go-lucky person who will never ever judge you no matter what, just goes along the ride happily and there just for a good time. There's never drama or politics or anything with this chica, she's just a great friend period.

Erin (cookiebubble)

Erin will always tell you what's on her mind. She's honest and fearless about her opinions, so you always know she's telling the truth. When she's mad you know it! But when she loves you and is happy you know it comes from the heart! It's a great quality and I love her for it :) She just has this way of speaking her mind not for drama's sake but to get to a resolution that will make everyone better for it, and does so without ever making you feel like its personal, which I don't think many people are ever able to do ^__^

Emmy (SourGummyBears)

We have so much in common with our personalities it's not even funny. We even mope the same way, crazzzayyyy! I love her so flipping much! Emmy's the type of person who you can talk to forever and still find something to talk about and have an awesome time all the way through. She's so bubbly and insane you can't help but love her and her crazy mind, and she always keeps you entertained and happy no matter what. On top of that, she's always there for you when you need her and will do anything and everything to make sure you're okay. She goes above and beyond as a friend, whether it's just having fun or talking about serious issues she's completely there.

Ella (Tiger-Tiger-13)

Ella is instantly charming. Seriously, she could probably get anyone to like her because she's so effortlessly fun and awesome and makes other people feel that way when they're around her. She also has the most amazingly goodlooking and sweetest boy ever, which she tells the greatest stories about ^___^ She's so open about what she's up to and any stories she has to share, and she's always there for you when you may need it. She's so not judgemental and completely open to others and any differences they might have because she's so comfortable with herself. It's I think what makes her so darn charming to people because of how comfortable she makes everyone around her feel

Ciara (Kiki00789)

Ciara is like a big puzzle. One that adds up to an amazing picture :) She's kind of shy sometimes, totally let-loose happy and contagiously fun other times, kind to everyone she meets but never fake, and always carries herself with a style I'm insanely jealous of. She always goes out of her way to put a smile on people's faces, and when she's friends with someone, you know it's true friendship because she likes you for no other reason then you being you. She always makes everyone around her feel instantly accepted because she's just a likeable person herself.

Chrissi (tuttiefruity77)

Chrissi is amazing. This girl is happy and bright and positive but also very toughminded when she needs to be, and always taking care of the things and people she cares about. She's been put into some awkward spots where she had to defend her best friends when other people were attacking them, and she never backed down in their defense no matter what they threw at her, and always did so maturely without ever attacking or insulting others for their opinion. That's insane, how she can be so gracious about other people's feelings while still maintaining her own. I can't even tell you how much I admire her for that. Add that to her already amazing personality? Sheash. How could you not love her?

Beverley (chewwy1000)

I adore Beverley for a couple different reasons. She's one of the more quiet girls of the Fashionista chicas I've come close with, but don't let it fool you- Everytime she does say something it's always spot-on and rings true for the situation for all sides of it. She can put it into perspective in like, one sentence, when everyone else was yammering on for pages getting nowhere ;D She has amazing taste in everything, including her medolls which I'm constantly jealous of, and she always strives to keep the peace while still being true and wise. I definitely view Beverley as an old soul. ...Who just happens to have amazing style ;)

Bekah (bekahbop)

I haven't known Bekah as well for as long as I have other people, but I'm becoming a fast fan of her and super happy to know her. She's a great conversationalist, she can talk about anything or start a conversation that you just want to be a part of, and she always does it so cheerfully and contagiously fun.

Anika (Mrs_Radcliffe)

I'm so so happy to know Anika. The thing about Anika is she takes the time to get to know you, she's always interested to know what's happening in your life, share stories with eachother, and give advice whenever she can. It's a pretty rare thing to have a friend who does that all the time, and that's what Anika does. She's just kind and sweet, and really wants to know how things are going for people and help if she can. She never brags or gets obnoxious, she's just a genuinely nice person, always calm and collect and focused on the important things in life and people, and I love her for that.

Amy (MissAmy11233)

Amy is a pure sweetheart. She's always doing things for other people and never does it trying for attention or anything other than because it's the right thing to do and because that's just the way she is. She's just a good person, plain and simple, and she can be the funniest person when she gets hyper ^__^

Amelia (amysocool13)

Amelia is pure awesomeness. Her medolls and style just keep getting better and better, and she's always so nice and honest to everyone. If she's having a bad day, she'll let you know it, but she won't let it get in the way of being sweet to people and just putting a smile on their face just from being her.

Alecia (MissAlecia.x)

Case you didn't know, we've decided that her life story involves her being a sexy bearded lady who runs away from the circus :) Anddd, she's the moon and I'm the sun! The thing about Alecia is that she's so gorgeous inside and out but she doesn't even realize it. She's so chill and laidback, she's friendly with anyone, she stays out of drama and refuses to take sides, she just focuses on coming on to chat wiith her friends and have a good time- She's just the type of person you can't even help but look up to for her kindness, she's so damn charming.

Abs (pinkab)

This girl is crazy creative and completely fierce. It's hard not to like this chica because her funloving personality is so catching and she makes her friends feel so awesome just by being around her. She's the good kind of insane and you'll be better for knowing her ;D She's weened off stardoll which is an absolute shame but if you do ever see her on it's like instant old times